individual Yoga Therapy

Reconnect with your Self through a process of befriending the body; deepen awareness, embody mindfulness and practice radical acceptance of all that is happening to know yourself more fully and live a more fulfilled and deeply connected life.

Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy sessions combine neuroscience, contemporary body-mind psychology, buddhism and Yoga philosophy to support you on your journey of self discovery, healing and transformation.

Yoga Therapy is for you if….

  • you are living with or suffering from chronic pain or chronic illness

  • you are feeling stuck in life

  • you are going through a major life transition

  • you need support in managing stress, anxiety or depression

  • you feel disconnected from your body

  • you are currently in talk therapy, or have tried it in the past, but something is telling you that you need to get into your body now

  • you are looking for a somatic approach to help heal unresolved t(T)rauma

Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy session in Burlington Vermont

During an individual session, we’ll begin with a check in. What’s coming up in your body, what on your mind, what’s in your heart? As a holistic therapeutic modality, Yoga Therapy considers all parts and all layers of your Self. After the intake, I will guide you through a journey inwards to the direct experience of your body through a process of movement, breath work, active or assisted postures, therapeutic touch, non-directive dialogue, meditation and mindfulness. Throughout the session, we will discuss what’s coming up for you, parts of your self that are showing up, places in your body where sensation is building, thoughts, emotions or memories that arise. At the end of the session I will support you through an integration process where you reflect back on the session to notice what stood out, make life connections and then come up with an action step to support you.

Yoga Therapy is NOT a quick fix. This work requires patience, dedication, commitment and compassion. Be gentle with yourself, it takes time to get familiar with the language of your body and it takes time to get into those deeper layers of Self. I recommend that new clients commit to a minimum of 10 sessions and come either weekly or bi-weekly. Curious about how Yoga Therapy can support you on your healing journey? Click the button below!

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